What is your Customer Acquisition Journey?

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As a founder and CEO of a small business, I have spent a lot of time researching the best strategies to acquire online customers, but retain them too. This customer acquisition journey is crucial for our success and should be for every business.

When acquiring a customer, you first need to look at how you can get your business in front of them. I have spent 6 years positioning myself as an industry expert and speaking at events/trade shows. I know that all the hard work I put into this part of my journey will pay off as I know my target market will be there, listening to what I have to say.

The step-by-step process I go through is always the same, regardless of my business goals. Here is my journey for acquiring customers through presenting.

1. Research the Market  
I will research the market online and visit each the events specific to the market I target.

2. Social Research
When I talk about social research, I mean finding the right event. I use LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to find the right events for my sector.

3. Make that Phone call
Once I find an event that I want to speak at, I will give them  5 minute call to see if they are interested in what I have to offer.

4. 30 minute call
After the 5 minute touch base call, I will then have a 30 minute call where I can get a better understanding about their event and what they want from me.

5. Follow-up meeting
At the end of the 30 minutes, I will discuss a meeting in person if I feel that is needed to secure speaking slots at their event

6. Follow-up confirmation call
If the meeting goes well and I feel they are interested in my speaking services I will follow up with a confirmation call regarding dates and times.

After securing my speaking slots, I then need to;

1. Understand the industry

2. Design my presentation

3. Rehearse rehearse rehearse

4. Always have a call to action for the audience – I offer a Complimentary 7 Day eCourse

5. Get their business card – Also have a contact form ready for them to fill-out
After the talk, I then;

1. Put the contacts into a database (I use HighriseHQ)

2. Send an email to thank them for their time (I use Mailchimp)

3. Follow up with a “touch base” phone call – Once someone has shown interest in my services, I will have a 5 minute touch base call to get a quick understanding of what they want from me.

4. Take them through a scripted 30 minute call – After the 5 minute touch base call, I will then have a 30 minute call where I can get a better understanding about their business needs. I always used a pre-designed call template for this action so that it doesn’t go longer than the allocated 30 minutes.

5. Arrange a meeting – At the end of the 30 minutes, I will discuss a meeting in person if I feel I can help them achieve what they want. This meeting will be 1-2 hours long.

6. Meet again to talk through the contract – If the customer is happy with what I have to offer I will give them a follow up call after the meeting and discuss a contract.
After going through this Customer Acquisition Journey, I have a clear understanding of the person, their company, what their needs are and how I can help them.

It is important to always be helpful when speaking to potential customers during the acquisition journey as well as understanding their needs so they know exactly how you can help them.

To summarise, always have a clear goal, define what works and what doesn’t at every stage of the journey. Make what works a habit, always communicate and be completely transparent.

Good luck and please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions


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