Is your Company’s Social Media Strategy in the wrong hands?

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When discussing Social Media Marketing, the companies that specialise in marketing will most probably think that they are the best to deal with social media… They couldn’t be more wrong.

The difficulty that most marketing companies face is that they do not have the right skills or knowledge to successfully handle the increasingly popular world of Social Media.

Social Media has been categorised as just the simple websites known as Twitter or Facebook however; there is more to the Social Media world than our favourite networking sites. As well as having to deal with the online side of Social Media, there are many other aspects that you need to take into consideration;

Search Marketing – The online search marketing team are responsible for making sure that the product or service is accessible on any search engine by only typing in one word which is relevant to the product.

Email Marketing – The key factor to remember in Email Marketing is to make sure that the e-mail is not overpowering or irritating so that the reader does not hit that delete button before the whole email has been read!!

Public Relations (PR) – The PR side of Social Media are known to have the ‘glamorous’ influence on the social media world. Their main purpose is to secure that attractive interview and provide important connections.

Marketing (Offline) – This is the advertisement side of everyday life before the internet was invented e.g. TV, Radio. The importance of Offline Marketing is to portray a prominent message with value that cannot be ignored.

Customer Service – The Customer Service team must be appealing to consumers and be able to engage with the community. Their job is to give the correct advice and to make sure the customers are pleased with the service provided.

IT – The Information Technology side of Social Media must be dealt with by people who are skilled in this type of profession. The key to success in the IT department is to build a website that contains the vital information.

Relying on the marketing department to handle Social Media the same way as they do with any other Marketing Strategies will only show that making a facebook group or ‘re-tweeting’ will only connect with the population that depend on the fashionable Social Networking sites. What about the people who listen to the radio or spend hours in front of the television? Do they even know what Social Media Marketing is?

The purpose of this article is to highlight the idea that Marketing Company’s should be employing skilled individuals to give a more impartial view on how Social Media should be strategised. There is more to Social Media than the networking we do on an everyday basic. We can only hope that Marketing Companies see their downfall and fix this issue before it’s too late.


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