Closely: What Does The Ultimate Shopping System Look Like?

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It should be pretty clear to anyone who has needed to work closely with modern dynamic sales methods: current shopping systems are just not cutting it. But it still remains to be seen how the next generation of live shopping systems are going to turn out.

It could be a solution from VibrantOS. Another possible approach is highlighted by Closely, who demonstrated their “real-time application service” recently at the DEMO Spring 2010 event.

Closely calls its live shopping sites “social action pages” and describes their vision as follows:

“Gathering consumers together around a business’ real-time offers is our mission.
Consumers show incredible enthusiasm to follow their favorite businesses and share great offers that match their interests.

Millions of businesses have flocked to social media, drawn to the promise of live interactions with their customers and market.

As promising as Facebook and Twitter are to businesses, the tools remain unnatural and awkward.

At Closely, we’re creating intuitive and sensible tools to help businesses engage real-time demand within and beyond these social networks.”

Groupon has given a decisive boost to the live shopping movement. Nice to see services such as Closely are geared towards both Groupon style campaigns as well as other live shopping initiatives.

Warren Knight thanks


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