7 Reasons Why a Small Business Should Enter Awards

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Once you have an established business, you need to start thinking about entering industry awards. Awards aren’t just about receive kudos for something remarkable your business has achieved. Here are my 7 reasons why a small business should enter awards.

1. Learning Process

Entering awards for your business isn’t just about winning. You get to learn more about yourself and your business. The awards process itself can be quite grueling and difficult. Once you have all the right information, it will make it easier further down the line. You will need to create a spreadsheet with all of the awards you are eligible to enter so that you don’t miss any of the deadline dates.

2. Helps Re-evaluate your business

Every time you enter a new award, there may be something new worth mentioning. Entering these awards helps you re-evaluate your business so that you are always on top of what is going on. It is worth mentioning that when your business hits a milestone, you need to document it so that it is ready to be included in your awards entry.

3. You need to be in it, to win it

If you don’t enter, you won’t win. This may mean putting aside a budget for some of the more important awards so that you are ready to enter as soon as entries open. Just because your business may not be as established as one of your competitors it doesn’t mean you won’t come away with something. You may not win, but you may be highly commended. Don’t let the fear of your competition putt you off entering any industry awards.

4. Make important business connections

If the awards you are entering have ceremonies, make sure you or one of your colleagues attends them. This is very important as you could meet very influential people that you will be able to connect with on a business level. Don’t forget to take business cards with you as you never know when you may need them! When Gloople was chosen as one of Smarta’s top 100 businesses, I attended the awards ceremony where I made a lot of important connections and had a conversation with James Caan.

5. Brand Exposure

Entering Awards and having your business shortlisted is one of the best ways to gain the right kind of brand exposure. It may not happen straight away but the more awards you enter, the more your businesses name will appear in front of people and this can only be good exposure for your brand.

6. Build Relationships with Employees

Entering awards and winning will help build relationships in house. It is always nice to be acknowledged for the work you put into a business and your employees will feel the same way. It may also be a nice gesture to have your team at an awards ceremony to enjoy the company of each other in a social environment.

7. Get to know your Business Sector and Competition

The more awards you enter, the more likely you are to see your competitors. There will always be that one company that you roll your eyes at because they keep winning the awards you enter. Don’t let this defeat you, you never know what will happen – people might start rolling their eyes at your business next!

Are you ready, as a Small Business to build your band and enter industry awards?


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