I Love My Job, Do You? Is It Time To Change?

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Firstly, I just wanted to say Happy New Year and goodbye to 2012 and hello 2013! The key is to keep on smiling. How often do you do this while you’re at work?  Running a business where you have so many people to answer to, can be both demanding and rewarding.

Not only do I have a business with employees that work on the back-end development of the website, I also have to oversee the work of front end designers, sales & PR team along with working on getting investment and dealing with current investors. This alone, is an exhausting task without even including meetings with my account, solicitor, recruiters, hosting company and channel partners… Phew, I’m exhausted just writing about all of the day-to-day adventures I have to deal with.

You can look at life in two ways. One you cup is always half empty where you never get anything finished, you have forgotten to call your accountant again, and the reminder comes through the door from HMRC and life starts getting you down. Your energy is low, the atmosphere in the office is quiet and everyone is looking busy. Or, you can look at your cup half full where you can embrace the amazing opportunity to build something where you are proud to say “WE did that” and each morning wake up with a smile and bring that positive energy into every part of your day.

Most of us have to take that lovely train journey in the morning (don’t forget the headphones) to work. Walk with a purpose and maybe pop into Lola’s and and pick up a box of 12 blue velvet cupcakes, for everyone to enjoy. You arrive a couple of minutes late, but that does not matter as you walk through the door with a smile and treats for everyone.

Everything you do takes you closer and closer to that moment, the dream, the light bulb, the vision you had of building something great. Let people see the value in what you have to offer and help them grow their business or make life that little bit easier and help them focus on the important things in life.

Four years ago, I started a business called LifeStyleAgent, and at the time I truly believed we had come up with a business that would help people have better lives, by looking at the 12 most important areas of life. 12 months later and thousands of pounds spent on building and designing an online website, we decided to close the business. Why?
1. I stopped having fun
2. I stopped smiling
3. I realised the idea was what I wanted, not what the market needed

Why am I sharing this with you now? Because it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Yes it was a hard decision to make but I knew it was the right decision.

During this time I continued working with amazing business owners and shared my 20 years of knowledge to help them and their business. It was during these moments I realised a gap in the market. So I did three things;
1. I did my research
2. I found my industry mentors
3. I partnered with a digital agency

Within 3 months of finding this need in the market, Gloople launched it’s first website in January 2011. Today we are the UK’s 1st “Social Sharing” SaaS ecommerce platform designed for start-ups and small businesses to have a big brand experience, offering a multi-channel environment. I write to you today as the Founder of a Million Pound Business (you can read the full story here)

The moral of this story is, love what you do and do it for the right reasons.

I would love to hear your story, please feel free to email me or call me.


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