Why its Important to find your Audience Online

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With so many social networks and tools available, you need to be able to see where your audience is most responsive to you. It’s all well and good saying that your target market is “everywhere” but you can’t be everywhere so you need to decide which platforms are the most successful for your business. Using Social Crawlytics will help you do just that.

Social Crawlytics was created by Yousaf Sekander from the UK SEO Agency ElevateLocal. Among his previous creations, you can find a WP Plugin SEO Crawlytics which adds a robot tracking capability to your WP control panel. Now they’ve come out with the Social Media Analytics tool ‘Crawlytics’.

This tool is free (up to 500 weekly scans) to use and will ask to login via Twitter to access the data needed to create the Crawlytics. I used my Ecommerce Platform Gloople (www.gloople.co.uk) to share with you the results I found.  As you can see, my audience hangs out on mostly Twitter and LinkedIn. Gloople is a B2B venture which has been shown through the findings. You can also view your analytics as percentages (bottom right).


I have also used Crawlytics to generate a report for my website (www.warren-knight.com). I found similar findings which did not surprise me as I centre my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts on my company which is a B2B platform. As well as looking at your analytics as percentages, you can also see which links have had the most click throughs on each network. Ass you can see below, my top five viewed pages on my website, are five of my blogs.


It is so important to use this kind of tool to find where you customers hang out online because you need to be where they like to spend there time. If your audience is in Facebook and Twitter, you primary focus should be those two networks. It’s still important to be on the networks listed in the analytics but there is a reason that people are engaging with you more on some networks than others. If you notice that some blogs are performing better than others on your website, then think about the topic in that said article and how you could capatalise on the popularity of it.

Where is your audience hanging out?


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