The Future is? “The Social Shopper”

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2011 and time for a new era. Shopping has now become an experience that most of us value. We can now ‘check in’ to our favourite stores where we are awarded with current discounts from a click of a button! The future of the ‘Social Shopper’ is now the present… embrace it now and benefit from it instantly!

The clever businesses have grasped the concept of linking discounts of up to 25% with the highly popular social commerce’s known as Twitter, Facebook, and the rising Foursquare.  A new programme that goes by the name of Shopkick has also found its place among the social trade. Its main purpose is to award check-ins with ‘Kickbucks’ and to help you, as a shopper, find the best deals in your desired shops.

Most social shoppers love to be associated with high end brands that make them feel special. A study that was carried out by the University of Minnesota proved that women preferred to carry a bag with a recognisable brand (Victoria Secret) printed on the front in comparison to a plain pink shopping bag. Some of the women who took part in the study said that they felt more womanly and sophisticated just by carrying the Victoria Secret bag. This shows the importance of popularity in a competitive business known as Social Commerce.

To be successful in the industry of Social Commerce you must be able to identify the needs of your client and what is most appealing to them. The buyer wants to walk into a shop, feel an emotional connection with a product and not want to leave the shop until that product is considered their property. Once a customer has shared a connection with a product they want to boast about it to their friends- this is where the social web comes into play.

Blippy is a company which allows you to comment, review products and share shopping experiences with other users. Blippy has proved a rising favourite as you can also link the service it provides to other Social Commerce’s e.g. Facebook and Twitter. The Social Media is picking up on these intelligent companies and promoting them in the best possible way.

Gloople is the UK first “Social Sharing” ecommerce platform and has fully integration with GroupBuy, Flash Sales, Social Hub, Mobile Platform, Affiliate Network, Embedded Store with addition Social features that allow the consumer to be rewarded for sharing the customer experience.  It’s been designed with the consumer in mind for small to medium size online retailers.

Every Social Commerce has an objective that must be achieved in order to find loyalty within their clientele. Both online and offline stores need to mix the social graph with the much loved joy of shopping to come out the other side, as a successful provider to the much anticipated Social Shopping Scene.


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