I’ve been chatting with a few folks about E2.0 case studies and found that there are some good sources of information out there but they appear to be spread out all over the place. I spent some time aggregating sources or individual E2.0 case studies here. This is as much for your benefit as it is for mine. This collection of case studies should provide excellent examples of how companies in various industries are able to incorporate social tools and strategies to accomplish business goals. If you are looking to get the Enterprise 2.0 conversation started at your company then this can also serve as an excellent resource to help make the case for E2.0, plenty of ammunition here. I went through dozens of sites looking for case studies and sadly many of them had case studies labeled but when actually reading them I realized that they were nowhere near case studies or valuable examples.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you have any other case studies or examples to add please to do in the comments section.
- A collection of around 30 Enterprise 2.0 case studies from Social Text that features companies such as the Acumen Fund, TransUnion, and Citrix.
- Here is an interesting presentation of an Enterprise 2.0 case study by Scott Gavin.
- A very solid 6 part series of Enterprise 2.0 implementation courtesy of Bill Ives, scroll to the bottom to find a link for links to the rest of the series.
- Another great post by Bill Ives of Enterprise 2.0 examples in the food industry.
- Yes, another post by Bill Ives citing what Vista Print has been doing with Enterprise 2.0 knowledge sharing.
- A short but sweet collection of around 10 Enterprise 2.0 examples and stories, thanks to Online Sapiens.
- An interesting look at Enterprise 2.0 following Zappos, ZDNet-Zappos-SR, it’s a PDF.
- A handful of great case studies from the E20 portal.
- A great white paper directly from Intel on developing an Enterprise social computing strategy.
- Andrew McAfee highlighted what Avenue A was doing with Enterprise 2.0 internally in 2006
- If you like pizza and beer then this Enterprise 2.0 case study is great for you. Thanks for the tip gustavjonsson
- A quick run through of a few Enterprise 2.0 case studies, nothing too detailed but good overviews…actually they look more like conference notes
- A great article from CIO.com on companies that have introduced web 2.0 into the enterprise, kudos to Dion Hinchliffe for being sited
Again, if you have any to add please leave them in the comments section. My goal is to keep updating this list so that it can be used as a valuable resource for both Enterprise 2.0 practitioners as well as companies that are just looking to get started with Enterprise 2.0.
www.warremknight.co.uk thanks Jacob Morgan