How to Do Your Social Media in 30 Minutes Per Day

Social Media and Digital Marketing evangelist, Warren Knight will share with you “HOW YOU CAN DO SOCIAL MEDIA FOR JUST 30 MINUTES A DAY TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS”
* The latest tools to SAVE time
* Best platforms to drive TRAFFIC
* HOW TO design a 12 month marketing plan
* Increase SALES by 586%
Is it really possible to establish and maintain a social media presence in the same amount of time it takes to mow the lawn or catch up on an episode of Game of Thrones or House of cards? Why, yes. Yes it is.
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Pinterest
* Instagram
* LinkedIn
…are the important social media platforms to any small business and solopreneurs — and while it’s easy to get sucked into any of them for hours at a stretch, you can manage them in much less time with some planning and the right social media management tools.