Digital Marketing Guide

Here is exactly what you will get when you download my Digital Marketing Guide to Foolproofing Your Business in 2017.
- What is Digital Marketing, and WHY is it important to your online success?
- How-to utilise on-site and off-site SEO for your business + SEO strategy
- How-to find the right SEO keyword for your business using a FREE tool
- Content Marketing 101: The best type of content to give you the biggest ROI
- How-to tell a story through your article writing
- What 67% of your online customers are expecting from YOU
- Social Media Marketing: Best practices to generate leads and sales
- How-to measure, and evaluate your Social Media activity
- How ONE action can INCREASE lead generation by 200%
- The platforms, tools and techniques to use for your business
- PPC (pay per click): Definition, and effective strategy for your business
- Affiliate Marketing: 3 Top tips on using Affiliate Marketing
- Email Marketing: How to increase open rate by 26%
- How-to generate targeted leads and build a list using “landing pages”.
- How-to create a Digital Marketing Plan for 2017 and beyond
Did you know that 71% of businesses created more content in 2015 compared to 2014 but only 12% actually had an optimised content marketing strategy?
I couldn’t believe this was the case considering content marketing generated 3 times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing in 2015, whilst also costing 62% less.
I want to make sure you are not a part of the 50% of small businesses using digital marketing WITHOUT a Digital Marketing Plan!