Digital Innovation & Transformation – Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya, Nov 11th-13th 2019

Warren Knight is facilitating a 3 day workshop from Nov 11th-13th 2019 – Digital Innovation & Transformation – the workshop is taking place in Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya.
This course provides delegates with an excellent overview of how digital is transforming our society, especially when it comes to careers and business. The programme is designed to help business leaders to navigate innovation in the digital age while maximising growth opportunities and overcoming potential challenges and threats. Within a fast-paced environment like the one we currently live in, it is crucial to understand the latest innovative technology trends in order to develop new digital leadership skills.
At the end of the course delegates will understand how to analyse the digital transformation and its impact on business, and suggest a course of action to manage innovation and the digital leadership “tipping point”.
11th-13th November 2019
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Nairobi Tribe Hotel, 418 Limuru Road, The Village Market, Gigiri Nairobi, 00621 Kenya