7 Steps To Using Social Commerce In 2012

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What does Social Commerce mean to you? Simply having an account on Facebook to increase sales, humanising the process of online commerce or even an interaction platform allowing you to share your business with friends and colleagues’? Not everyone sees Social Commerce as the same thing. Have you ever sat in front of a computer looking at Facebook feeling intimidated?


Here are 7 steps that will help you use Social Commerce in 2012.

1. Is it necessary?

First you need to ask yourself if you really need to use Social Commerce. Are you a business that wants to create an online store and start directly from Social Commerce, or already have a store and are considering setting up a social version? You know your business better than anyone else – do you feel your company would benefit from Social Commerce?

2. Bit by Bit

Once you have decided that your business will benefit from using Social Commerce, you will need to set up your accounts. The important thing to remember is that you should take it step-by-step, gradually creating your Social Commerce, making sure your clients have time to adjust to your online service without feeling unsettled.

3. Keep things separate

As most online stores within a social network fail to succeed, it is important that you keep the social network separate from the online store. You need to offer your customers something more practical and easy to use as opposed to complicated and unrealistic.

4. Make the buying process easy & attractive

As mentioned above, you need to offer your customers an easy and attractive buying process otherwise they will find an alternative store. With ecommerce being as competitive as it is, it’s so important to keep your customers interested with a practical operation. Remember, people don’t like change, especially if it takes them longer to do something.

5. This is Social Commerce

You must remember the Social component. The whole purpose is to offer your customers social tools that allow them to interact with each other but most importantly, us.

6. Measure, Evaluate, Perform and Re-Measure

Without measuring your results, you wouldn’t know if you are on track to reaching your goals. Evaluating your outcome allows you to react and improve upon your consumer’s demand which will ultimately benefit your business.

7. Listen, Respond then React

Usually, an ecommerce store has a one way communication channel however, once established as a social commerce, you’ll be able to connect with your customers and vice versa. They can tell you what they like/dislike about your products. Criticism should not be feared as it will only help you to grow your business. Listening to your customers, answering on time and knowing how to act will be crucial in the success of your business.


2012 is here and it’s time for you to make your Commerce Social.

Are you ready for social success?


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