50+ Advanced Web Analytics Tools for Business Use [2010 Edition]

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Web analytics is perhaps the most important discipline for businesses online. In case you don’t know who and why visits you, buys your products and talks about you, you are blind on the Web.

Web analytics goes beyond simple SEO metrics.

It’s about

  • usability
  • conversions
  • branding

among others.

Additionally, with the huge influence of social media, it’s more important than ever to monitor social media buzz. While some people still assume that there are no social media measurement tools there are already dozens out there.

So check out these 50+ advanced web analytics tools for business use. It’s the updated 2010 edition. Of course I assume that you know by now the industry standard solution Google Analytics.

This list has been first compiled in February, 2009 so I decided to update and republish it 18 months later. I’ve removed, added and changed numerous links.

Make sure not to miss the Social Media analytics solutions at the bottom of the list.

Free and/or Affordable Analytics Solutions

Search Analytics

Heat Maps and Usability Tracking

Enterprise Analytics

Hosted/Server Side Solutions

Twitter & Facebook Analytics

Social Media Analytics

Enterprise Social Media Monitoring Tools

Thanks to SEOptimise, @GuavaUK and The Freelance Effect for suggesting some of the above tools mentioned.  Also thanks to SEMPlanning.com for providing a huge list of social media buzz tracking tools used while researching.


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